Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra: A Feast of French Music 30 Ocotober 2007

The Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra will present a selection of French Music as part of its Masters Series Concerts. Among the works being performed are: Les trombeau de Couperin [Maurice Ravel]; Piano Concerto No.1 E minor Op.11 [Frderyk Chopin]; and, Symphony No.1 in C Major [Georges Bizet].

Performers: Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra; Edmon Colomer [Conductor]; Margarita Shevchenko [Piano]
Date: 30 October 2007
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Daejeon Arts & Culture Hall, Arts Hall
Admission: R: 30,000; S: 20,000; A: 10,000; B: 5,000
Program/Performers: Program/Performers
Contact: 042-610-2266
Website: http://www.dpo.or.kr/