Yewon Orchestra Concert
May 2nd (Fri) 7:00 p.m. / KAIST Auditorium
Overture to "Il Barbiere di Siviglia"...................................G.A. Rossini
Concerto for v.Cello in C Major .......................................... J. Haydn
Allegro molto v.Cello 이상은
Concerto for violin in e minor op. 64 ............................... F. Mendelssohn
Aallegro molto vivace Vn. 이근화
Concerto for piano in C Major op. 15 ............................. L. v. Beethoven
Allegro con brio Pf. 홍민수
Symphony No. 101 in D Major "The clock" ..................... J. Haydn
Adagio - presto
※ This is a first-come-first-serve free performance. Seat tickets may be received from the information desk 1 hour before the performance.
■ Inquiry: KAIST Graudate School of Culture Techonology 042-869-2904
■ Ticket Distribution: May 2nd (Fri) 2008, First-come-first-serve until every seat is taken.
o Entrance of children under the age of 8 (preschool) accompanied by an adult is restricted.
o This is a first-come-first-serve free performance. Admission is restricted once the performance starts.
Please be seated at your designated seats 10 minutes before the performance.
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