Wednesday, 12 March 2008

8th AEARU Web Technology & Computer Science WorkshopFriday 11th April 2008 [KAIST]

The most world-changing event during the last decade is the emergence of the “wired society" based on“high-speed internet”, “wireless network”, and “web-based service”. The term “wired society” in the past is now changing to “semantically-wired society”. In the very coming years, the internet use cost will be cheaper and cheaper, and a variety of convergence services and the content providers would provide a new business model. The new “service” creation is considered important to enforce the investment toward the network infrastructure and related semantic technology. KAIST's Computer Science Department is proud to announce it will be hosting the 8th AEARU Web Technology and Computer Science Workshop at KAIST on Friday the 11th of April 2008.

The 8th AEARU Web Technology and Computer Science Workshop provides a forum for researchers from the member universities of the Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) to present their most recent research results on web technology and computer science. The objective is to identify potential research areas, exchange ideas on research and education, and discuss the means for productive collaborations in the field of web technology and computer science. The workshop also welcomes researchers not belonging to the member universities to join and participate in the discussion.

Event: 8th AEARU Web Technology and Computer Science Workshop
Host: Department of Computer Science, KAIST
Date: Friday_11th_April_ 2008

1 comment:

mctiso said...

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