Several restaurants close to KAIST are preparing to cut the prices for their food to celebrate White Day on Friday the 14th of March. There will be lots of discounts for the food and some food will be provided for free. A good opportunity for both you and the owners of the restaurants.
To participate in the activity all you need to do is buy a coupon [or coupons!!] which will contain a map of location of the restaurants that will be providing discounts. Coupons will be avaible at the West Gate on Friday evening and will also be able to purchase in front of the North Cafteria on Thursday the 13th of March at 17:30 [5 p.m.]
Where: West Gate
When: Friday_14th_March_2008
Time: 6 p.m. onwards
Inquiries: 010-2265-0611 [Andrii]
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